National Unicorn Week! Kick off is April 7th. Get Registered Here

Write Grants.
Get Paid.

Group of people posing for a photo

Write Grants. Get Paid.

Learn Grant Writing Helps You Make Money as a Grant Writer

Build a Life of Freedom, Flexibility, and Purpose.

Welcome to Learn Grant Writing!

Home of the Global Grant Writers Collective

Starting From Scratch? We’ll teach you everything you need to know to get paid experience. Land a new job or start a freelance business!

Already Making Coin? We’ll take your existing consulting business and help you double its revenue with 20 hours less work per week.

Working In-House? We'll help you win more grants while writing fewer proposals.

Select the Training That Best Describes You

Brand New Grant Writer

I want to explore becoming a grant writer and freelancing. I don’t have any (or much) prior experience. I’m ready to try new things!

Existing Consultant

I have made at least $35,000 in consulting revenue and want to pay myself at least $100k/year, build business systems, and hire help.

In-House Writer

I am an in-house nonprofit grant writer and want support to do my job better. I want to write more winning grants for my organization!

Our Grant Writing Community Fuels Real Success

Grants won by members of the Collective

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Average time to land a new job

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Average time to quit job to freelance full-time

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Embark on a Journey

A woman sits on the floor and uses a laptop, perhaps to learn grant writing!

Earn and Learn

If you take nothing else away from us, let it be this: you can make money learning to write grants without prior experience. We will show you how to get paid with your very first project.

Learn Grant Writing members laugh while attending a course together

Get There Faster

Grant writing isn’t rocket science, but for many new grant writers going it solo, their first paths can lead to huge amounts of wasted time and money. We have the roadmap for success learned from years of trial and error.

Grant Writing members smile and pose in front of a desert landscape while on a team retreat.

Do It With Community

Prepare to have your mind blown. You’ll be welcomed into a like-minded community where you get to be your fully expressed self. You don’t have to (and shouldn’t!) chase your dreams alone.

Want a Sneak Peek?

Check out one of our three training paths that meet you where you're at in your grant writing journey.

Explore Training Here →

Do You Feel Like It’s Time for a Change? Consider This…

Meredith Noble, Co-Founder and CEO, Learn Grant Writing

What isn't Working?

Feeling burnt out from the 9-to-5 hustle? Does your schedule lack flexibility and freedom? Does the work you do fulfill you?

If you desire a more meaningful and flexible life, grant writing might be a great career for you.

Is What You Want So Unreasonable?

We know you don’t want a private jet. You want reasonable life upgrades. More time with those you love. More space for creativity. Time and energy for your health!

Getting paid well for the work you do. In a word - freedom.

Our Courses and Community
Help Get You There.

The Global Grant Writers Collective


Step by step course curriculum to learn how to find grants, write winning proposals, and gain paid experience.


Earn your Professional Grant Writer and Funding Strategist Certificates through our industry-recognized program, including personalized coaching.


6+ coaches to answer your questions within 36 hours, plus twice-monthly live coaching calls. Plus bonus trainings at least quarterly.

Ai Co-Pilot

We have three major Ai-powered tools rolling out in 2023 and 2024 to put you on the cutting edge. Reach out to learn more.


Hosted on Circle, we have the finest online community on the internet. With 600+ active members, you are in for a treat to meet this world-class community.


Experience a culture that emphasizes self-care and celebrating your wins. Prepare to become the best version of yourself that you know lives within!

A stack of pages that explain the full contents and benefits of the Global Grant Writers Collective.

Take a Closer Look

We hear from Collective members all the time that so much more is included in their memberships than they realized. We always struggled to fully communicate the magic under the hood…until now! Take your time going through this guide to gather all the fine details of Collective membership.

Get The Guide

Real Grant Writing Success for Real People

My Journey So Far

I joined this community in May when I quit my full-time job as a Grant Manager and jumped into consulting full-time. I’m already on track to hit 6 figures by the end of the year. The community, education, and support is unbelievable.

Because Of This Community

🙏 Huge thank you to all the Unicorns, and Coach Jess, who helped us with a sticky client situation last week. I’m so grateful for this community and inspired by all the work you’re doing for good! 🦄

Teaming with Unicorns = Success!

Shoutout to Suzanne for being a great unicorn to work on federal grants with. I found her through this platform so it is so nice we have this as a resource. We just submitted a $2.3 million DOE project yesterday.

Grant Writing Budget Tutorial For The Win!

Shoutout to the Learn Grant Writing budget tutorial on cost-sharing since I had to explain that to the client about five times. Now I'm going to finish this grant writing class :)

Great Course - Do All Of It Even If You’ve Written Grants Before

I’ve contributed to many grants, but the information I’ve already gotten from this curriculum has expanded my knowledge base exponentially. Even if you’ve worked on grants before, this course is really worth every penny and minute spent on it if you start from the beginning and don’t skip around.

Best Decision Ever Made

I'm so confident about my ability to do this work, and it's such a confidence boost when I say things I've learned here to non-profit leaders and see recognition in their responses. Best decision I made this past year was joining!

$15k Reached!!

I toppled the $15k mountain right before I joined the collective a month ago. AND PERFECT TIMING because I am seeing all the course curriculum and it is exactly what I need. I am thrilled to see that little $15k next to my name.

Thank You For This Incredible Support System

I was a Learn Grant Writing lurker for 2 years. Since then, I advocated my in-house position for a promotion and secured a significant side hustle contract…the support given from this group facilitated the success and gave me courage to take the steps necessary to grow.

The Community is Real

I just want to say thanks and show gratitude for taking the time to review my LOI. That was my first post asking for review help and she answered! The community is REAL!

$1 Million in First Year of Writing Grants

Within the last three days, two big grant proposals were awarded — $250,000 and $450,000! In addition to the other proposals, this puts me at about $1 million in awards in my first year of grant writing. All my cells are buzzing with joy right now! 😁

New Win Again!

I have yet another win for today! I was "granted" another contract today for grant consulting! It's for 127.00 per hour, helping BIPOC female-led businesses navigate grant writing woes and obtain funding! The course works. The community works. The knowledge gained from this blessed collective works!

Oh Happy Day! A Signed Contract!

I received my first signed contract ($22,500) for grant writing! A special thanks to Alex, Meredith and Jess for keeping my head in the game and helping me push through. So grateful to be among such an amazing group of people. 🥰

Doing What I Love!

The Collective equipped me with the systems and tools to take my career to another level. I gained the experience to win millions of dollars in grants for nonprofits. The Collective has helped me not just as a grant writer, but as a businesswoman and as a human being.

This Changed The Whole Trajectory Of My Life

The Collective has given me all the tools and templates that I need to actually become a freelance grant writer. I have never been an entrepreneur, but the Collective provides everything you need to go from 0 to 100. This program has changed the whole trajectory of my life!

We’ve Got Tons of Grant Writing Success Stories to Share.

Learn how passionate people of all experience levels learned the skills to thrive in the world of grant writing.

Checkout Our Reviews, Spotlights, and Wins →

FYI: We Literally Wrote the Book on Grant Writing.

Our passion and knowledge can’t be contained to a website alone! This book is everything you need to get started—it’s succinct, practical, and fun to read.

The book and eBook, How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn by Meredith Noble

Plus, we’ll get you certified as a professional grant writer!

Go from zero experience to a professionally Certified Grant Writer in just 45 days. Even those with 20 years of experience say our methodology transforms how they approach grant research and writing.

By working through our program, completing grant projects, and securing your first paid work, you can earn your Professional Grant Writer and Funding Strategist Certificates.

And for those seeking their CFRE credential, the Global Grant Writers Collective also earns you 91 continuing education credit hours! (As in, almost all the CEUs you need to earn your CFRE — and our nearest competitor can only offer you 30 credits 👀)

Are Our Classes and Community Right for You?

Do You Have the Traits of a Successful Grant Writer?

We’ve trained 3,200+ individuals in the profession of grant writing, which gives us some stellar data to calibrate whether your interests, ideal work environment, goals, and grit align with a career in grant writing.

Are You a Grant Writing Consultant Who Wants to Level Up?

Most business challenges are caused by either not charging enough or not having enough clients. We’ll look at the health of your business and send you a report with actionable next steps.

About Us

We got to know each other by building a grant writing consulting business…crazy fast! We were inundated with requests during the pandemic.

We hired several of our students and grew to $250K/year in revenue. Now we teach you how to do the same. We give you everything to have the same success (and beyond) whether freelancing or landing a dream job.

You make the commitment to yourself. We’ll bring the playbooks, step-by-step instruction, and support system.

Meredith and Alex signatures

Grant writing for women unicorns

Still thinking about it?

Try our free grant writing class.

Learn More!
woman holding laptop with grant writing course
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