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Guest Blog Post Guidelines for Learn Grant Writing

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by Meredith Noble, Co-Founder & Visionary
October 22, 2022
 Guest Blog Post Guidelines for Learn Grant Writing

Write Together

Hey there!

Thanks for your interest in writing a guest post for Learn Grant Writing. Learn Grant Writing is the #1 ranked blog on Google for grant writing. If you would like to leave a review on Learn Grant Writing, future members would love to hear from you. Or perhaps you are a partner that has valuable expertise to contribute.

Before submitting your pitch, please closely review this page—it details all the elements a successful guest post should include and walks you through our submission process.

Why write for us?

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Finest Audience We attract an intelligent and engaging audience.

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Partnership We are always on the lookout for win-win collaborations. Guest writing helps us get to know you better.

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Link Juice Get a little link juice lovin’ from our website to yours.

online writing class for grant writers with K in the picture

Discover Grant Writing as a Career

If you’re interested in becoming a grant writing consultant, check out this free training on how you can pull off a meaningful career change.

Access Free Class
Watch video to see if grant writing is a job for you

Our Readership

Our blog audience is made up of aspiring grant writing consultants, nonprofit professions, and what we call - the grant curious! Our readers are looking for tangible, actionable advice to the questions they have.

What we are particularly known for is helping those burnt out in their careers launch an entirely new profession as a grant writer. We are highly interested in introducing grant writing as a career option to an audience that might not have considered it.

We find our blog posts that do the best are those that compare different products (i.e. review of top 10 grant databases or top 20 online courses) or answer a long tail keyword search.

Here are some of those popular posts to give you an idea of content and aesthetic:

What Every Guest Post Should Have

Successful guest post contributions to Learn Grant Writing are comprehensive pieces on grant writing, careers in grant writing, or reviews of products.

While these are most aligned with our blog, we are also open to reviewing guest post pitches on adjacent areas outside of the indicated scope.

If your submission is accepted, you will receive a blog post template and additional guidelines. The typical structure that works well for us includes:

  • Opportunity - Future state after reading this blog.
  • Myth/Challenges - Address top 1-3 myths that we know the reader has, like “Don’t I have to volunteer before I can get hired as a grant writer to gain experience?”
  • Expert Story Positioning - Why are you/LGW suited to tell this story/teach this content?
  • Winning Framework - i.e. 7 habits of highly effective grant writers, Grant writing unicorn method, etc. A framework/engine/process that is the vehicle for teaching what you are going to teach.
  • Thing Needed to Unlock the Framework - Can you provide a template, PDF, visual image - something that helps make the framework actionable? For instance, if we have a blog post about grant budgeting, we provide our grant budget template for free.
  • Multi-Media Content - Not everyone learns by reading. Can you add in a YouTube video or podcast?
  • Review - Restack everything you just wrote and and tell it again.
  • Call to Action - Call to action as appropriate per the blog post.

Your post must tick all these boxes:

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An original piece of content with high-quality writing. We are looking for around 2,000 words.

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The article reflects the voice and tone of the Learn Grant Writing blog. We are fun, conversational, and adding real value.

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Include proper citation of any data and resources (e.g. images) added to the article. ‍Note: Data references ideally originate from within the last 2 years.

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No more than two links to your own blog or website to place in the body or footer of the guest post.

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Before submitting your pitch, please do thorough research on the Learn Grant Writing blog to ensure the content you planned is not already covered on the blog.

While not mandatory, other suggestions we have for you to align with our writing style includes:

  • Using the oxford comma. We’re fans.
  • Following APA style for the most part.
  • No double spaces between sentences.
  • No indent to indicate the start of a new paragraph. Use a space between paragraphs to indicate the break.

Ready to write? Wahoo!

  • Start by submitting the short form below. Please include the word “unicorn” in your pitch so we know you read all these guidelines.
  • If your guest post outline meets our editorial requirements and reflects our content strategy, we’ll notify you within the next 2 weeks. Then you can get started on the best part—writing your guest post!
  • Between receiving a positive response from our blogging team to publishing your guest post, you’ll have two weeks to bring your content to its best shape.
  • Thank you for your excitement and energy to contribute!

About the author...

Meredith Noble is the Co-Founder and CEO of Learn Grant Writing, Meredith inspires other women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. She secured over $45 million in grants before teaching others how to build a flexible career in grant writing. Meredith is a fifth generation black angus cattle rancher from Wyoming now living in the mountains of Alaska.

Grant writing for women unicorns
Watch video to see if grant writing is a career for you
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Want To Learn More?

We made this video to answer your questions about how to build a career in grant writing without the fear of where you will find clients or the fear of failure. We cover the top three mistakes that keep people from making the leap from a soul-sucking job to something more meaningful.

Watch Video

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