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How to Beat Imposter Syndrome in Grant Writing

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by Japheth Oseghale
January 29, 2025
 How to Beat Imposter Syndrome in Grant Writing

Let’s talk about imposter syndrome—that nagging feeling that any moment now, someone will point a finger and yell, “Fraud!” Sound familiar? If you’ve ever felt like you don’t belong in the room or you’re not “good enough,” you’re in good company. Imposter syndrome shows up a lot, especially among new grant writers just breaking into the field.

Picture this: You’re excited to dive into grant writing, but then that pesky little voice chimes in, “You don’t know enough to get paid for this. Who would even hire you?” Or you’re scared your potential employer is going to ask, “How many grants have you won up till now?” When you’ve not yet hit submit on your first one!!! 😭😭

Well, spoiler alert: That voice is a liar. Your experiences (yes, the ones you already have) can make you an incredible grant writer. It’s a skill you can build quickly—and it’s a journey, not a destination. Many people don’t know that grant writing is an incredible field that you don’t ever “master” because there’s always new levels - think of a real life game of mario bros!!

Even the Pros Feel It

Take Meredith, our CEO. At 23, she was hired as a full-time grant writer for an engineering firm. She had written exactly two grants before landing the gig. When her first project was helping an Alaskan Native tribe secure funding for a clinic (something they’ve tried and failed at for 10 years), she thought, What can I do that these real adults couldn’t?

But instead of letting imposter syndrome win, she rolled up her sleeves and got to work. She put together a Funding Strategy and tackled a $5 million project, grant by grant. Her first win? A Housing and Urban Development grant! Not every attempt was successful, but she eventually secured the funding. Now, every time she drives by that clinic, she’s reminded of what happens when you push past fear and take uncomfortable action.

Confidence Comes After Action

Here’s a truth bomb: You don’t need confidence before you take action. Confidence comes after doing the thing that scares you. It’s like leveling up in a video game. At first, you’re a little minicorn (baby unicorn) trying to figure things out. But with each project, you gain skills, win battles, and eventually transform into a full-blown grant writing unicorn. 🦄🦄

Another way to build confidence is to equip yourself with knowledge. That’s why we built a free grant writing minicourse for you. This way, you have some knowledge to share with prospective employers, and you get a taste of the real meal of what we cover in the Global Grant Writers Collective.

Free Grant Writing Class

Learn the 7-steps to write a winning grant application and amplify the impact you have on your community.

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student taking free online grant writing course

The Journey Through the “Valley of Despair”

Woman sitting at a desk rubbing her temple

If you’ve ever felt the sudden panic of realizing how much you don’t know, you’re not alone. This is the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. You start out confident, cruising through the basics of grant writing, maybe even landing a client or acing a funding strategy. Then—BAM—it hits you. The sheer depth of what you still have to learn feels overwhelming.

Welcome to the Valley of Despair. 😔😔 It’s uncomfortable, and it’s where most people quit. But this is also where growth happens. This is when you need community, coaching, and a healthy dose of self-development to keep you going.

From “Soonicorn” to Unicorn

The cool part? The “teenage phase” of imposter syndrome doesn’t last forever. With real-world experience and exposure—like tackling your first paid project or raising your rates—you start to regain confidence. This is the soonicorn stage. You’re flying, but still a little wobbly. Stick with it, and you’ll hit unicorn status faster than you think.

Our Top Tip for Crushing Imposter Syndrome

Want to rewrite your story? Grab a piece of paper.

  1. Write down your big goal. Maybe it’s, “I’m running a thriving grant writing consultancy,” or, “I landed a nonprofit job that lets me work from home twice a week.”
  2. Write it again. And again. Aim for 30 times.
  3. Pay attention to the pesky thoughts that creep in. Thoughts like, “Who am I to dream this big?” or, “No one will hire me without tons of experience.”

Flip the page and jot those limiting beliefs down. Now, rewrite them as incremental, believable upgrades. For example:

  • Old belief: “I’m not experienced enough.”
  • New belief: “I’ve figured out new things before; I can do it again.”
  • Old belief: “I’ll never make this much money.”
  • New belief: “If others can build a six-figure business, I can too.”

What you have here is only a tip of the iceberg. In the Global Grant Writers Collective, upgrading your belief system is a core value, and we have a section dedicated to it amongst our plethora of grant writing resources.

Mindset Over Mechanics

Woman relaxing

Still talking about how to beat imposter syndrome, grant writing is 20% about the nuts and bolts and 80% about your mindset. If your mind isn’t on your side, no amount of technical skill will matter. That’s why being part of a supportive community, like the Global Grant Writers Collective, is a game-changer.

In the Collective, you don’t just learn to write grants—you transform into a person who believes in your own potential. As Jasmine, one of our members, put it: “I was terrified at first. But the community was so inspiring and supportive. Someone even offered me a subcontracting opportunity that pulled me out of the Valley of Despair!”

Final Thoughts - Give Yourself the Gift of Belief

Imposter syndrome is a part of every growth story—it’s a sign you’re stepping outside your comfort zone and chasing something bigger. Remember, confidence doesn’t come first; it comes after you take action. By reframing your beliefs, leaning into your community, and taking those small, courageous steps, you’ll grow from a hesitant “minicorn” to a full-fledged grant writing unicorn.

Grant writing isn’t just about securing funds; it’s about becoming the kind of person who believes in their ability to make a real impact. And the best part? You don’t have to go it alone.

If you’re serious about beating imposter syndrome, building your skills, and joining a network of supportive, inspiring peers, the Global Grant Writers Collective is here for you. It’s more than an educational program—it’s a transformation experience that will help you rewrite your story, upgrade your mindset, and create a fulfilling grant writing career.

Take the leap as we launch into 2025 and start your journey with us today. You’re one step away from building the confidence, community, and career you’ve been dreaming about. Let’s make it happen together—because unicorns don’t fly solo!

Is Grant Writing For You?

If you are looking for a career change and interested in grant writing consulting, check out this training on how to get started. Build a flexible life you love!

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Discover if grant writing is for you webinar

About the author...

Japheth Oseghale is a licensed pharmacist with a passion for public health and storytelling. Leveraging his professional training in research, he crafts compelling grant narratives that drive positive change for nonprofits and for-profit businesses. Japheth unwinds with a good book in his free time and cherishes meaningful conversations with loved ones.

Grant writing for women unicorns
Watch video to see if grant writing is a career for you

Want To Learn More?

We made this video to answer your questions about how to build a career in grant writing without the fear of where you will find clients or the fear of failure. We cover the top three mistakes that keep people from making the leap from a soul-sucking job to something more meaningful.

Watch Video

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