National Unicorn Week! Kick off is April 7th. Get Registered Here

Contact Unicorns Meredith Noble and Alex Lustig

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We are always looking for partners in workforce development, student education, and women entrepreneurship. Drop us a line.

Meredith Noble grant writing unicorn

Meredith Noble

Co-Founder & CEO

Meredith is an entrepreneur, community leader, and outdoor adventuress. She is part of a new wave of entrepreneurs building technology companies from remote, yet connected Valdez, Alaska. Meredith is the co-founder of SenecaWorks, where her team helps those looking for a career change become grant writers. Her expertise has been featured in Fast Company, and her book, How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn, is a #1 bestseller for nonprofit fundraising and grants on Amazon. Meredith has secured over $42 million in grant funding, and her students have secured over $250 million - a number that grows daily.

Alexandra Lustig grant writing coach

Alexandra Lustig

Co-Founder & COO

Everything Alexandra touches has social impact and intentionality weaved into it. Alex, for short, is an exceptionally talented project manager of educational programs. Prior to joining our team, she managed the University of Denver’s strategic plan implementation, while earning her master's degree in International Human Rights. Alex’s talents lie in building company culture, establishing operational workflows, and ensuring our work is mission driven.


SenecaWorks LLC
721 Depot Drive
Anchorage, AK 99501
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