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Your Guide To Writing Grants

#1 Bestseller in Nonprofit Fundraising and Grants.

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Brand new to grant writing?

This book is everything you need to get started.
It’s succinct, practical, and fun to read.

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Get answers to your most common questions and the questions we wish you were asking! Unpack the mysterious layers to grant writing and discover what you can do with the skill.

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Top Lessons You'll Learn

This book answers the top questions aspiring grant writers ask and the questions we wish you were asking! Plus, in this new edition we talk about grant writing as a career choice so imposter syndrome does not hold you back from a life you love.

blue checked checkmark boxThe 7 steps to writing a grant application

blue checked checkmark boxHow to write a convincing narrative

blue checked checkmark boxFinding grants to go after

blue checked checkmark boxDeciding whether or not to pursue a grant

blue checked checkmark boxHow to not run out of time applying

blue checked checkmark boxWhat to do if you don’t have any match funding

blue checked checkmark boxHow to collect great letters of support

blue checked checkmark boxKnowing if you are ready to pursue grant funding

blue checked checkmark boxPreparing a grant budget (digital spreadsheet provided!)

blue checked checkmark boxHow to center the community in your work

blue checked checkmark boxHow to pick the best grants to pursue

blue checked checkmark boxHow to not burn out as a grant writer

blue checked checkmark boxThe grant writer’s kryptonite - imposter syndrome!

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A Cherished Resource

“My original copy of How to Write a Grant Become a Grant Writing Unicorn is well thumbed, dogeared, highlighted, and bristling with bookmarked pages. I couldn't imagine how you'd improve something I'd already found so useful. But you did. The updated version builds on the original foundation - keeping the accessibility, tools and fun, sassy tone - while adding practical and holistic advice toward career transformation, but it is the inclusion of Unicorns Confront Their-isms and How Do I Center the Community in My Work by Alex Lustig that truly elevates this new addition and leaves a powerful, thoughtful impact. I'm simply moved and grateful for your combined, insightful sharing of experiences along with the technical advice and guidance.”

Jacqueline Summers, Executive Director
Jacqueline Summers, Executive Director, Health TIE
5 out of 5 stars

“As a special needs mom, I know I can learn anything. But I still struggle with imposter syndrome and overwhelm as a new grant writer. Meredith's witty and wise insights are clear, authentic, and immediately actionable. You will not regret reading this book.”

Abby Gromlich, New Grant Writer
Abby Gromlich, New Grant Writer
5 out of 5 stars
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This book is for you if you want...

Grant writers put heart and soul into everything they do. They work on things that matter. They want to have an impact and better their communities.

Before grant writers become known for their craft, however, they take the time to learn the art of grant writing. Armed with this skill set, they can achieve their broader vision.

Sound like you? You have come to the right place.

Happy reading!

Meredith Noble

How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn book by Meredith Noble
Learn How to Write Grants audio book
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