National Unicorn Week! Kick off is April 7th. Get Registered Here

We are here to help you build a life you love
Through The Grant Writing Profession


First, confirm you are in the right place by watching this video.


Select the Training That Best Describes You

Brand New Grant Writer

I want to explore becoming a grant writer and freelancing. I don’t have any (or much) prior experience. I’m ready to try new things!

Existing Consultant

I have made at least $35,000 in consulting revenue and want to pay myself at least $100k/year, build business systems, and hire help.

In-House Writer

I am an in-house nonprofit grant writer and want support to do my job better. I want to write more winning grants for my organization!

Want to see more?

Choose your path to get exclusive access to content

Choose Your Path

Resources Referenced

  • Jacqueline White Portrait

    Jacqueline White

    Former personal fitness trainer, turned grant writer with higher salary and flexible schedule.

  • Jessica Stack Portrait

    Jessica Stack

    Former school teacher and Mom made $100K in 18 months and won $1.35M in grants.

  • Juan Whiting Portrait

    Juan Whiting

    Former farmer in the Congo, Father, and experienced grant writer. Made $170K in first year.

  • Imani Ackerman Portrait

    Imani Ackerman

    Mom and college student who said no to multiple job offers to land her dream gig.

Anna Nelson headshot

Thanks to Learn Grant Writing, I’ve earned over $50K as a grant writer. It’s honestly hard to believe how far I’ve come in the last year or so… I have more clients than I can handle. I fully support all my living expenses through grant writing. I was able to leave my full-time high-stress job to write full-time (this is probably the best part!). And, I have the support of an amazing community that reminds me I CAN DO ANYTHING!”

Anna Nelson

Founder of One Small Step Consulting

screenshot grant writing bonus training

What Isn't Working?

Are you feeling burnt out from the 9-5 hustle? Does your schedule lack any flexibility and freedom? Is the work you do fulfilling?

If you desire a more meaningful, flexible life without a serious case of the “Sunday Scaries” then you’re in the right place.

Is What You Want So Unreasonable?

You don’t want a private jet. You want reasonable life upgrades - like more savings, time with those you love, more space for creativity, getting your health back, being paid fairly for the work you do, and having more schedule freedom.

Additional bonus training

Can We Tell You Something?

The discomfort you are experiencing right now is actually a good thing! If you weren’t feeling this, you wouldn’t do anything to change your trajectory.

You are spending time thinking critically about how you want to experience life. Try to enjoy the messy creativity that is involved in this process! While…not getting completely sucked into paralysis by analysis.

If you want an opportunity to change your current trajectory, then jump on board!

- Jacqueline

You Can Spend Another Year Wondering

If You'll Like Grant Writing Or

How to Break Into This Industry…

Or You Can Earn And Learn

Screenshot of a win from a grant-writing unicorn
Sparkly grant writing unicorn with book
Screenshot of a win from a grant-writing unicorn

In This Training, You'll Learn

  • Why NOT to volunteer to gain experience
  • How to find your first $15K in paid opportunities as a freelancer
  • How to leverage that experience to land a new job or scale a full-time freelance business to $250K+/yr
  • What to charge as a grant writer in 2023
  • Impact of the Recession and inflation and what YOU need to do about it
  • 4 case studies for you to download
Keep Watching
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If you can say yes to any of these questions, we’ve got you.

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Does grant writing keep coming up and you want to explore your curiosity more seriously?

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Do you want more career flexibility to have hobbies again, spend time with your family, and feel healthier?

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Do you question whether to work for yourself or seek a grant writing job?

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Have you been following us for a while and want to fully understand the method to our madness?

We help our members get
the life they want

screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story screenshot of a unicorn's success story

If You Want More Freedom And Flexibility

women doing yoga in a wooden structure

You can certainly go at it the slow, frustrating, DIY route…or you can leverage our expertise. We will help you make more money, faster, and with less exhaustion. You’ll learn how to team with others, build systems, and achieve schedule freedom.

We often hear skepticism. Is this really possible or empty promises? We will get you where you want to go faster - there is no question about that. Wins are happening every day.

The secret is that members of the Collective are working for it. Make the commitment to yourself to be uncomfortable. Your most remarkable growth lies on the other side.

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If You're Wondering...

How will I find clients?

This seems too good to be true. Is this a scam?

How much time do I need to commit?

How fast do people see results?

What does earning a certificate involve?

Will I get personalized help with questions?

The Answers Are In This Training

Meredith Noble pointing
A stack of pages previewing the Collective Guide

When members join the Collective, they marvel at how much more is included than they realized. We always struggled to fully communicate the magic under the hood…until now! Take your time going through this guide to gather all the fine details of Collective membership.

Get The Guide

Make Back Your Investment Many Times Over

Screenshot of a win from a grant-writing unicorn
Sparkly grant writing unicorn with book
Screenshot of a win from a grant-writing unicorn

Our minimum goal for you is to 5x your investment in the Collective.

From there, you have the roadmap and support to land a dream salaried job or scale your consulting business to $250K/year in revenue.

To the left are introduction posts from a handful of Members in the Collective. Whether a total newbie to the grant writing scene or an industry veteran, remarkable individuals are drawn to the Collective with one shared goal:

To build a life they love. To do meaningful work that supports our communities. To be paid fairly for that work. To have more time for family, health and hobbies.

You have the vision for your life. We’re here to help you reach it.

All We Want For You Is Forward Momentum

We got to know each other by building a grant writing consulting business…crazy fast! We were inundated with requests during Covid-19.

We hired several of our students and grew to $250K/year in revenue. Now we teach you how to do the same. We give you everything to have the same success (and beyond) whether freelancing or landing a dream job.

You make the commitment to yourself. We’ll bring the playbooks, step-by-step instruction, and support system.

Meredith and Alex signatures

Grant writing for women unicorns
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