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Writing Class for Grant Writers

Want to feel more confident in your writing skills? Writing can be quite frustrating while also something tangible you can be extremely proud of. Learn how to become a strong and confident writer.

Meredith Noble and Rose Hedberg of Ideas Write Now
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How to Write Well as a Grant Writer

How to Write Well as a Grant Writer

Most of us haven't taken a writing class since we were in school and feel less than confident about our abilities to write well. If a new proposal has you staring at a blank page or spinning with writer's block - then check out this training to address those exact concerns.

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This Writing Class Is For You If...

  • You feel like you lack the confidence to write grant applications.
  • You never received formal writing training (since college anyway!).
  • You get overwhelmed by a new proposal and staring at a blank page
  • You struggle with word or character count restrictions in grant applications.
  • You are not sure if your writing is good.
online writing class for grant writers with K in the picture
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Can You Relate?

Perhaps you’re like Meredith who identifies as a “self taught hack job” of a writer. Or, maybe you’re using tools like Grammarly but it doesn’t help with the actual content of your grant proposals. Or, have you accepted you are a “slow writer” and have to work long, late hours writing?

Private community of grant writers
screenshot grant writing bonus training

If You're Thinking...Eeek! Yes, That's Me!

Here is the good news: writing is a muscle. Writing is a skill. You can learn to write with confidence. It is not something you’re born having. That means you can become the strong, creative writer you know to be inside.

How to Write Well as a Grant Writer

How You Can Become A Better Writer, Write Persuasively, And Cut Characters In Your Writing

Keep your forward Momentum!

Become a better writing with these FREE resources.

Excited For More Writing Tips?

What about an in depth writing training for grant writers?

Pen To Polished: Learn To Write Well And Say What You Mean In Grant Applications is a nine module training on the fine art of writing. Did we mention that Pen To Polished can absolutely be categorized as professional development?

Professional development courses can be considered a tax-write off if you're a freelance entrepreneur. And if you're working as an employee, why not consider approaching your boss to have work invest in your skills as a writer? An investment in your writing skills is a strategic move toward winning more grants for the organization.

Pen To Polished is a professional development because...

  • An upskill in your level of writing leads to greater confidence and more well-worded proposals overall.
  • A refresher of basic writing structure and mechanics leads to sharper writing under character or word count restrictions which leads to less stress and better proposals.
  • Targeted writing exercises in the course strengthen your writing muscles so you're trained to write lengthy proposals in the future.
  • Model examples in the course are a benchmark for your work and inform your compass toward good writing.

With our Convince Your Boss.pdf you can approach your boss to confidently pitch the Pen To Polished course for your professional development. You can also copy and paste our Convince Your Boss Sample Letter to use in an email.

Become a Better Writer Today

Free Introductory Webinar

Join Rose For a Free Webinar

  • Answer To Common Questions
  • Kickstart Your Writing Journey
  • Learn More About Pen To Polished
  • Meet Rose!

From Pen To Polished

Join Rose For All 9 Modules

  • Start From The Basics
  • Pillars of Storytelling
  • Real Case Studies
  • Lifetime Access
Buy the Course


Learn to Write Well and Say What You Mean in Grant Applications

Our Curriculum

With this online writing class, write persuasive, winning grant proposals. To take this class you are STRONGLY encouraged to be a member of the Global Grant Writers Collective. This training builds on grant writing concepts you learn within the Collective's course curriculum.

Lessons 1-4

Basics of Writing

The writing education you always wanted.

Lessons 1-4

Get answers to writing questions that you might be a bit embarrassed to ask on your own! Discover what it means to write well and build your own writing practice.

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    Lesson 1: Introduction
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    Lesson 2: The Basics of Writing
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    Lesson 3: Your Writing Practice
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    Lesson 4: What is Good Writing?

Lessons 5-6

Grant narratives aren’t won on merit alone. More projects are worthy of funding than will receive it. That’s where your persuasion and storing writing skills come into play!

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    Lesson 5: Persuasion in Writing
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    Lesson 6: Storytelling in Grant Writing
Lessons 5-6

Writing Winning Grants

Strengthening Your Skills

Lessons 7-9

Practice Makes "Perfect"

Build Your Portfolio

Lessons 7-9

How do you know if your writing is good? You write and compare it to a rubric! Emerge with a writing portfolio you can use to land a new job or show a client.

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    Lesson 7: Case Studies
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    Lesson 8: Case Study Assignments
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    Lesson 9: Model Deliverable Review

Who is Teaching?

Rose is a certified freelance grant writer and the founder of a writing services company called Ideas Write Now. Since 2017, Rose has facilitated workshops for professionals to engage their imagination and approach writing tasks with greater confidence. As a grant consultant, she has worked with nonprofits in Cambodia, Nicaragua, California, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, helping them to research and pursue funding. Rose is also a cohort coordinator for Learn Grant Writing, working to bridge the gap between nonprofits and grant funding through professional grant writing training.

Meredith Noble is the co-founder of Learn Grant Writing where she helps those looking for a lifestyle change build a meaningful career as a grant writer. She is a bestselling author and recognized industry leader in the grant education arena.

Meredith Noble and Rose Hedberg
Team shot in vertical
Aurora and Meredith discussing grant writing in the snow

Yeehaw - Time to Uplevel!

There is nothing like Pen to Polished on the internet (or live). We looked! If you are ready to invest in YOUR skills and become the grant writing superstar you know you are, join us. If you are remotely interested in joining us in the Global Grant Writers Collective then keep scrolling. Members of the Collective get Pen to Polished 50% off!

Most Popular

From Pen to Polished

2 monthly payments of $375

Yup! Register Now

Online instructional training including:

  • Pen to Polished Online Course

Your online course includes:

  • Questions Answered by Rose
  • Discounted Access to Collective
  • 9 Modules and Templates
  • Lifetime Access

If you decide to join the Collective later, we will deduct $375 from your total.

From Pen to Polished

1 payment of $750

Yasss! Join Now

Online instructional training including:

  • Pen to Polished Online Course

Your online course includes:

  • Questions Answered by Rose
  • Discounted Access to Collective
  • 9 Modules and Templates
  • Lifetime Access

If you decide to join the Collective later, we will deduct $375 from your total.

We would love to have you if you want...

Writing well can feel hard. Establishing healthy boundaries is hard. Finding the right career where you have flexibility and fulfillment is hard. Guessing your way through it all is hard.

That's where we come in. We're career architects - helping you find fulfilling work and time for what else matters most in your life. Your health. Your family. Hobbies. Travel. The outdoors.

What matters is that you take action. Whether that means joining us or doing something completely different, all we want for you is forward motion.

Build a life you love.

Meredith and Alex signatures

Team picture of SenecaWorks staff
Watch video to see if grant writing is a career for you
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Want To Learn More?

We made this video to answer your questions about how to build a career in grant writing without the fear of where you will find clients or the fear of failure. We cover the top three mistakes that keep people from making the leap from a soul-sucking job to something more meaningful.

Watch Video

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